Saturday, December 3, 2011

Art In The New Age

Well my reflection on this project is a simple one. Coming up with a theme and choosing the works of art was a simple task that I completed. But as for looking at the paintings and installation artworks, well that was a different story. Trying to come up with a paragraph for each individual piece was a lot more challenging then I thought it would have been. For most of the artworks I wanted to give my opinion on them and just go to the next one, but I knew I couldn't do that. So I would spend about a hour for a few of them just looking at these masterpieces and coming up with the right thing to say. So in the end I did accompish this as best as I could with some creative results.

I do have to say that the theme I went for was something that went with the art, because it was little bit unusal and each individual piece I picked was far from usual.

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